Mikkeller Work Environment Action Plan
This is the Mikkeller Action Plan to better our work environment, strengthen accountability and trust and be transparent in terms of how we work.
This full plan was introduced externally for the first time on October 21th 2021. The plan has been announced internally in parts, from June 2021. We will continue to update this plan and keep everyone informed about the process.
This is not a final plan. We hope to add to it and to include partnerships and cooperation with the industry and the community.
New initiatives added
These initiatives have been added to our action plan since we posted our latest update on the 21st of October, 2022.
We have no new initiatives to add with this update.
Happening now (short term actions)
Our short term actions are both internal and external. Short term in this context means that we have set these actions in motion now and will follow up shortly.
Actions on the individual level
Actions on the individual level have to do with employees, managers, former employees and guests.
For employees, managers and guests:
Reporting Grievance and Concern Procedure Mikkeller encourages all Mikkeller employees to share and report concerns and complaints under Mikkeller’s policies as well as if the employee experiences other reasons to do so. Mikkeller encourages all employees to communicate their grievance in order to support Mikkeller in fostering a supportive and pleasant workplace for everyone.
Mikkeller’s reporting grievance and concern procedure explains how employees can voice their complaints in a constructive way. Managers and senior management should know everything that hinders their employee’s work, so the managers and senior management can resolve it as quickly as possible. Employees should be able to follow a fair grievance procedure with the purpose to be heard and avoid conflict.
You can find the full policy right here
Whistleblower Procedure Mikkeller is dedicated to act and do business in a way that is right to our employees, customers, partners and society in general. In order to continuously make sure that Mikkeller does just that, Mikkeller encourages that concerns are shared.
Mikkeller employees may always share concerns with their direct manager or with HR. However, concerns may rise which an employee does not find suitable to raise through those channels.
Hence, the objective of this whistleblower policy is to ensure that all Mikkeller employees as well as customers, partners and others have a channel where they can report any potential breaches of laws or regulations applicable to the Mikkeller Group, as well as breaches of any of the internal policies or standards of the Mikkeller Group.
You can find the full policy right here.
Actions internally and externally on a company level
As a company these initiatives are in motion:
Continuously work with current and new initiatives to ensure a good work environment We dedicate ourselves to the process of nurturing and developing a good working environment for all employees at Mikkeller by creating a strong framework of initiatives, that will address shortfallings in the past and pave the way for a better work environment now and in the future. The subject is a fixed point on the management agenda moving forward.
Giving frequent updates internally and externally on this action plan Communication is crucial to prevent misunderstandings and uncertainties. We’ve committed ourselves to a high internal frequency and external frequency of communication on work environment and management. We will communicate on a monthly cadence about this.
Bigger HR department New HR colleague hired to strengthen the overall focus on HR matters.
Actions for the industry
Being open for contact Engage in all dialogue - direct or indirect. Are you in the industry? Reach out, let's work on this together.
Brewery meetups Meetings with other brewers in the industry, discussing how we can move forward as an industry.
Initiatives starting in 2022-2023 (long term actions)
In 2021 we will finalise or start these actions. The goal is that all are initiated and implemented during 2022 and 2023.
Actions on the individual level
Compensation structure We are reviewing excessive working hours and have greenlit a compensation plan, that will address issues about fair compensations for current employees.
Actions internally and externally on a company level
Evaluation of our work environment We will evaluate our work environment globally. Mikkeller committed to assess how the diversity, equality and inclusion policy, and any supporting action plans and -programs are working in practice, considering and taking action and to address any issues reviewing- and reporting them annually to the board of directors. This process is ongoing.
Work Environmental (WE) Rep election process for INT retail locations (DELAYED) The main tasks and priority for the WE Rep in association with the work environment supervisor is to secure and create awareness about their own and others safety and health. WEO’s work consists of two types of tasks: the overall (strategic) tasks and the daily (operational) tasks. (The WE Rep will help with, but not limited to, the listed):
- Conduct a quarterly work environment discussion in WEO.
- Conduct the yearly work environment survey in HQ.
- Participate in determining the size of the work environment organization and the practical conditions surrounding it.
- Advise the employer on safety and health issues, including how the work environment is integrated into the company's strategic management and daily operations.
- Check that the working conditions are fully safe in terms of safety and health.
- Be available for confidential sparring with employees on the employee’s request.
- Act as a liaison between the employees and the WEO.
The WE Rep is elected for two years. All employees have the right to volunteer and to vote, apart from the employer, company managers and supervisors who can't volunteer or vote. The election process is expected to be completed by the end of Q2 2023 for INT locations.
Establishment of safety protocols and procedures in the breweries Formation of a safety committee and making sure everyone knows safety protocols.
Blind recruitment & transparent selection processes Mikkeller committed to recruit employees based on the concept of blind recruitment, in order to minimize the risk of biases affecting recruitment processes at all levels of recruitment in Mikkeller. Mikkeller commits to have a transparent selection process based on a rigorous, objective selection process using non-discriminatory criteria, that Mikkeller uses within the business, when Mikkeller promotes or considers opportunities or necessities.
Mandatory training for people managers This commitment includes internal training of all managers as well as employees about their rights and responsibilities under the diversity, equality and inclusion policy.
Compensation structure for employees implementation Our plan for creating a fair compensation structure has been greenlit by the board, but we still need to implement the new structures to address excessive workhours and other salary-related issues. The work with implementing the new structure started in Q1 2022.
Part of Planning Committee for May Industry Meeting 2022 (POSTPONED TILL MAY 2023) After MBCC in 2021, we started working together with representatives from other breweries in the US and EU, in creating a joint Planning Committee,which job is to arrange and facilitate various industry-focused meetings for breweries.
Led by the skilled Amanda McLamb from Resident Culture, Thilde Tobiesen, our Head of HR, has been a member of the Planning Committee on equal terms as all the other members of the work group.
This year's Industry meeting will be led by Dr.J Jackson-Beckham. The focus of the meeting will be inclusion in the diverse-aware businesses and Dr. J is preparing a session focusing on providing breweries of all sizes with some very hands-on tools to utilize, in order to think and incorporate inclusion into all aspects of their business.
Since Dr. J unfortunately couldn't attend MBCC, the planning commitee has decided to push the meeting till MBCC 2023.
Part of Planning Committee for May Industry Meeting 2023 We are committing to help facilitate another Industry Meeting together with the rest of the Planning Commitee during the week of MBCC in 2023.
Actions implemented since 21/10-2021
This is a comprehensive list of all the action points we have implemented in Mikkeller since we first released the action plan to the public.
Code of Conduct for MBCC For staff, partners and guests at MBCC and events in the future.
Safer Space Area We have designated a quieter area of MBCC to work as a Safer Space Area. At this place people can go to take a breather for whatever reason.
Conflict mediator on the floor We will have a professional conflict mediator available in the Safer Space area at MBCC. You can go to the safer space crew to ask for the conflict mediator. In case something happens on the floor, the safer space crew will call on assistance from the conflict mediator.
Ask for Angela We have an Ask for Angela setup. All crew is briefed and information is set up.
MBCC Reporting At the festival we will have a simple QR code-based reporting system in place, where all experiences reported will be handled by an internal work group and acted upon. Information about how and when the reporting system should be used can be found at the festival site.
MBCC Whistleblower At the festival we will have a simple QR code-based reporting system in place, where all experiences reported will be handled by an internal work group and acted upon. Information about how and when the reporting system should be used can be found at the festival site.
Security guards for protests In case of a peaceful protest occuring outside of MBCC, we make sure that security guards are available to offer demonstrators protection while protesting.
New Policies: Harassment & Bullying Policy and DE&I Policy External diversity consultant helped us update our staff handbook on policies concerning equality, harassment, sexism and communication.
Flat Management Hierarchy Management consolidation. Strengthened guidelines for management work process in case of complaints internally. We’ve assigned new roles and responsibilities to ensure that we do things properly.
Industry moderated debate meetings Two joint events for the industry, survivors and critics in relation to MBCC. One meeting prior to MBCC 2021, with external moderator Katja Holm and critical advisor Anna Thygesen. One meeting held after MBCC with Amanda McLamb (co-founder & owner of Resident Culture) as external moderator.
HR included in management The HR manager is now part of management.
Digital Code of Conduct New digital guidelines for our communities and accounts, ensuring we can create a digital safer space for our fans and followers. The Code will be implemented in Mikkeller Beer Club (Facebook group), Mikkeller HQ (Facebook page), @mikkellerbeer (Instagram account) and all event-based, location-based and branded subpages.
Third party HR Consultant (project hire) for UK Team We have hired an external HR source for a project dedicated to our UK team. The purpose of the project is to uncover and define the HR need in the UK and lay the groundwork for a permanent hire. Key tasks will involve supporting people at all employment levels, coach employees, offer legal HR support, be responsible for a strategic development of HR in UK to support Mikkeller's global HR in DK.
Make Whistleblower and Grievance Reporting Systems more accessible We are working on a digital solution that will make it easier for guests, employees and partners to access and use our established Grievance Reporting and Whistleblower system - we have dedicated a new subpage on mikkeller.com to these systems and the company policies that support them.
Compensation structure approved by the board We are reviewing excessive working hours and have created a plan for compensation for how we will address these issues. The plan has been approved by the board and awaits implementation.
Work Environment Representative elected for HQ and Warehouse The main tasks and priority for the WE Rep in association with the work environment supervisor is to secure and create awareness about their own and others safety and health and act as a liaison between the employees and the Work Environment Organization.
Making policies more accessible We are working on a digital solution that will make our internal policies regarding equality, harassment, sexism and communication more accessible for external parties.
Work Environment Representative elected for Mikkeller Brewing San Diego & Mikkeller Little Italy The main tasks and priority for the WE Rep in association with the work environment supervisor is to secure and create awareness about their own and others safety and health and act as a liaison between the employees and the Work Environment Organization.
MRC Code of Conduct HR and the MRC team is working on a Code of Conduct that will cover all members of MRC and make sure that the running club aligns with the general Code of Conduct for Mikkeller.
NotMe app implementation at US locations NotMe is a free, open, resolution-seeking reporting platform for those who’ve experienced or witnessed racism, harassment or any type of discrimination or misconduct. We have implemented the use of the platform on all our US retail locations.
Work Environment Representative election process for US locations The main tasks and priority for the WE Rep in association with the work environment supervisor is to secure and create awareness about their own and others safety and health and act as a liaison between the employees and the Work Environment Organization. We are in the midst of finalizing a plan for electing representatives for our different US retail locations.
Danish Working Environment Authority (DWEA) Evaluation In February Mikkeller HQ was visited by the Danish Working Environment Authority (DWEA) to conduct an environment evaluation with focus on the psychological and physical work environment. The DWEA gave us positive feedback on the action plan and on the results from our annual employee survey. They gave us 0 remarks on elements to improve on the approach to the employee survey. As a result of the evaluation, Mikkeller HQ has received a green smiley on the DWEA's website.
External training of Employee Rep (and HR) - Completed by Mikkeller HQ The WE Rep and the supervisor(HR) must complete the statutory work environment training/education within the 3 months after the WE Rep has been elected.
Permanent third party HR hire for UK team As a result of the third party HR project hire's work, we will create a permanent HR position for our UK team. The estimated start for the position will be Q1 2022. If a suitable candidate hasn't been found before the end of the project hire's duration, the project hire will continue it's position as HR until the permanent position has been filled. We have decided to make the project hire permanent.
HR Rep. for Mikkeller HQ We are looking to bolster the overall focus on HR matters with adding another member to the HR department. The estimated start for the position will be April 1st, 2022.
Make Whistleblower and Grievance Reporting Systems available via Actimo We are working on integrating our established Grievance Reporting and Whistleblower system into our digital employee training platform Actimo.
HR Business Partner for DK Retail The focus of our new HR Business partner will be on developing and implementing strong recruitment processes for our DK retail locations, on- and offboarding procedures as well as ongoing training programs and coaching sessions for our retail employees employed at management level.
The Mikkeller Reconciliation Program managed by Hand & Heart Consulting The Mikkeller Reconciliation Program seeks to reconcile the experiences of former and current employees who have historically experienced a harmful working environment while working for Mikkeller - across all locations, globally. This process will be carried out by Hand & Heart, who are engaged as a third-party workplace investigator and reconciliation advisor.
Work Environmental (WE) Rep election process for DK retail locations The main tasks and priority for the WE Rep in association with the work environment supervisor is to secure and create awareness about their own and others safety and health. WEO’s work consists of two types of tasks: the overall (strategic) tasks and the daily (operational) tasks. (The WE Rep will help with, but not limited to, the listed):
- Conduct a quarterly work environment discussion in WEO.
- Conduct the yearly work environment survey in HQ.
- Participate in determining the size of the work environment organization and the practical conditions surrounding it.
- Advise the employer on safety and health issues, including how the work environment is integrated into the company's strategic management and daily operations.
- Check that the working conditions are fully safe in terms of safety and health.
- Be available for confidential sparring with employees on the employee’s request.
- Act as a liaison between the employees and the WEO.
Current status on plan
This section of the plan was last updated on November 21st, 2022.