Opening hours


Refshalevej 169B
1432 Copenhagen K

What's on tap

대동강 (Taedonggang Pale Ale)
Scour Scandinavia Spontan Seabuckthorn
Spontanquadrupelraspberry (2018)

What is 

Mikkeller Baghaven


Interested in a beer tasting at Baghaven or hosting an event at our location? Send us a mail on or right here 🍻

Yet another game-changer in the history of Mikkeller, the opening of Baghaven marked the moment when – finally – spontaneously fermented sour beer was made using local terroir. Importing skilled American brewer Ehren Schmidt to head up operations at Baghaven helped establish the foundation for a location that would fuse tradition with cutting-edge innovation.

Baghaven is home to twelve large oak foeders, ranging in size from 3000 to 7000 liters, and over fifty 225-liter California Chardonnay barrels. These oak vessels house beers where wild yeast and bacteria transform the liquid inside into products with incredible depth and complexity. In addition to barrel-aging, the in-house microbiology lab allows us to maintain our yeast and bacteria cultures and also isolate new strains from the air, fruit skins, and various other sources.

These 'wild' strains bring a unique character that give the beer a true Copenhagen DNA. Expect to see a variety of fruited wild ales, rustic saisons, and other experimental styles being produced under the Baghaven brand.True to the style of this beer, which takes time and patience, Baghaven has slowly but surely made a name for themselves in the international beer community. This is especially true in the summertime, with their beautiful waterfront tasting room providing the perfect spot for a beer in the sun.



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