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July 19, 2016

Remember the crazy car accident at Mikkeller & Friends?

James from the UK and his girlfriend, who was sitting outside the bar on one of the benches, when a car, out of nowhere, came pummeling straight towards them at high speed, managed to push Ursula aside and out of harms way, resulting in his foot getting crushed in between the vehicle and the building. Besides being the best boyfriend in the world (and a total hero), James was also here to celebrate his birthday, making matters worse, so you can understand why we were so eager to get in touch with him at the time. 

Since then, we've been in contact regularly, and though he's currently living a life on crutches, James in high spirits, looking forward to be able to walk properly again as soon as his recovery training program is completed. We're also discussing when would be a good time for James and Ursula to revisit. 

James had this to say:
if you know any of the people who were around me when the accident happened please pass on my thanks. I remember people holding my legs, head, and hands, not worrying about getting blood and dirt all over their clothes. Ursula and I got a lot of help from people both at the time of the accident and after, for which we are very grateful.

We've been sending James and his family care packages, and there's one specific story about James' father that brought a smile to our faces:

"The old man is pleased - although he had one of the 9% ones a few hours before going to the gym the other day, thinking it was regular strength, and didn't feel too good during his exercise class. I told him he needs to read the labels." 

We can't wait to see you again, James!


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